Monday, December 19, 2011

Progress doesn't stop with the holidays!

Gray skies, leafless trees, mid-50's temperatures, and me with no voice--Yes, it's December in Tennessee! I have avoided laryngitis, my perennial malady, the last couple of years, but it struck with a vengeance last evening!

So what did I do this morning? Attended a Go To Meeting! That's a wonderful thing about this technology: I could type in my suggestions, opinions, and other comments for all committee members (Membership Committee) to read, and I never had to speak a word (couldn't have if I'd wanted to!). I was still in my nightgown, as I'd stayed in bed and tried to relax this morning, and it didn't make any difference! Members from New Jersey, Minnesota, Georgia, Texas, and Tennessee had an excellent meeting about the progress of our work, wished one another a Merry Christmas, and signed off to enjoy the holidays!

And, except for my voice, I will be able to enjoy the holidays, having already read and approved the January/February NEWS for publishing and several other publications, made several decisions about the convention, etc. Our Headquarters staff members are absolute marvels, and we don't give them enough appreciation. Give them direction or suggestions, and they do fantastic things!

I'm really in the holiday spirit (attended a symphony holiday concert Saturday evening and participated in our community band's concert Sunday evening); I have all my packages wrapped and either delivered or ready to deliver. We've planned our Christmas Eve Eve (no mistake, we're doing it on the 23rd) menu for guests, and then packing for a 9-day cruise.

I'll be back in Austin in January for our Society's continuing progress. We still have much to do and I'm eager to work with our members and HQ personnel to make it happen. Excitement is building toward the NYC convention, with the Hotel reservation website open for business and registration and tour forms coming out in January. I hope you are planning to join us in New York City--to do the Society's business, hear wonderful speakers, attend terrific workshops, listen to talented performances, eat some outstanding meals, meet with old friends and make new ones--oh, yes, and see the sites of the city while we're at it!

I hope each of you has a wonderful holiday and new year. See you in New York in July!!

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