Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jam-packed season keeps us all busy!

I didn't realize (until reminded) that it's been nearly two months since my last posting! I have really broken my own resolution to write at least once a month about what's going on in my life as international President! Sorry!

Five committee meetings, five electronic meetings, and one NYC site visit (to meet with hotel, CVB, tour, and steering committee personnel) later, I sit at my desk in Austin feeling a great deal of stress as I look over my "to do" list.  But, you don't want to hear about that! Let me tell you all the "good stuff" that's happened so far this fall:

1. The Communications and Publicity Committee rewrote the policy and procedures for Society website certification and recertification. They are so very clear now, that no webmaster need complian that she can't understand what is needed. Their monthly tip sheet, Broadcasting the Buzz, has a sharp new look and continues to provide information for chapters and state organizations to use in their communication efforts.
2. The Membership Committee, after writing both orientationand reorientation materials last year that have been universally praised, is tackling the revision of the Ceremonies book and the Guide for State Organization and Chapter Membership Chairs. The Membership Memo continues monthly and has a great new look, thanks to the Information Services Department here at Headquarters.
3. I attended a lovely luncheon in Chattanooga in my honor in late Septemebr, Shirley Smith of Gamma Theta Chapter, Georgia, organized it and invited members from Georgia, SE Tennessee, NE Alabama, South Carolina and North Carolina. Seventy-seven members, including me, had a lovely visit. I talked (no speech!) about the job of president and answered questions about the apartment here in Austin and its cost-effectiveness, the upcoming convention in NYC, and a number of other things people wanted to know. It was a very nice two hours spent in the company of friends old and new, and I renewed acquaintance with Norma Carol Gault, whom I taught in our "salad" years in the late 60s-early 70s.
4. The meeting in New York City at the Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers was enlightening, to say the least. Steering Committee members were extremely well prepared with questions and progress reports. We chose the convention bag, heard about plans for New York Night, got a preview of possible tours for attendees (Yankees and Red Sox are in NYC on Friday night of the convention--better order your tickets NOW if you want to attend!!!), and learned of the many services the Convention and Visitors Bureau will provide. We were all "bowled over" by the food prices at the hotel, finding out that the largest part of the meal price is union contract labor costs, gratuity and taxes. It will be a BIG gulp for all of us, but I am reminded of how the cost of food has gone up everywhere, and that meals are expensive in every big city. They certainly were when we were in Germany and Switzerland this past summer. And, we have to remember that the hotel lodging room price is fantastically good for mid-town Manhattan, and this will help us be able to eat more expensively in this once-in-a-lifetime destination convention! I am still so excited!!
5. The Constitution Committee received only THREE proposals for amendments to the International Standing Rules! Can you believe it! I said there shouldln't be many since we just revised both governing documents in Spokane in 2010. The committee spent the majority of its times going over state organization bylaws changes and writing resources to help guide that process.
6. The Expansion Committee reviewed the staus of state organizations outside the U.S., particulary those to whom expansion funds had been provided in the last calendar year.  Members reviewed the progress report of the Japan study and will voted to make a recommendation on that study at the 2012 convention. Members discussed the possibility of recruiting members from the U.S. Department of Defense Schools, and took assignments to research those schools in both the U.S. and in countries where the Society has membership. The committee also planned their convention workshop and worked on their procedures manual.
7. Today and tomorrow (starting in about 30 minutes!) the Non-Dues Revenue Committee will begin its day-and-a-half meeting, discussing possible new Society partners and sponsors for the convention program and events.

When I return home Thursday, I will pick up my new prescription glasses, get a hair cut, go with my husband to a dinner in Murfressboro, TN, in honor of our college band director. The next day I'll go to West Tennessee to a luncheon, again in my honor, to talk with my fellow Tennessee members who have forgiven me (I hope) for my lack of attendance at many state events the last 18 months! Next week, I have a dentist appointment (must start flossing more!!) and I actually get to attend my own chapter's meeting this month!! I'll go to Scottsboro, Alabama, to meet with Rho Chapter on November 5 before returning to Austin for meetings with the Administrative Board, the International Speakers Fund Committee, the regional directors, and the first meeting of our new Support Corporation board of trustees. Then, it's off to Florida for Thanksgiving!

I hope each of you celebrates Halloween and Thanksgiving (if you do) safely and joyously. I'm not one for dressing up in a witch's costume, but I enjoy giving out candy! I don't have much experience with roasting turkeys (I tend to leave the giblets in the neck when I'm not supposed to!) but I'm very good at dressing and sweet potato and spinach casseroles (two dishes, not one!). So, I hope we all are healthy and safe until I get reminded to write my next blog!!!

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